Book a Retreat

Frequently Asked Questions


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What is an advocate and why do I need one?

An advocate is a friend from back home who sits through the entire counseling process and then returns home to help you live out what you learned.

In our experience, the presence of an advocate drastically improves the success of what takes place in counseling and after. Many times, those in crisis have been isolated from the community. Advocates help to bring them back into a healthy, biblical community. They care for you deeply and will be a friend, guide, and encouragement through your toughest days.

What if I can’t find an advocate?

Contact us, and we will help you consider who can serve as your advocate.

What if I can’t afford the retreat?

We would encourage you to talk to your local church. They are a great support system and will often offset some of the cost. Twelve Stone also has some benevolence funds available for people who qualify. Please give us a call to learn more about our financial assistance.

How long do I have to wait to go on a retreat?

While you may need to wait several weeks to attend a retreat – three to six weeks is typical. We are happy to arrange for you to speak with your counselor who can provide you guidance to help bridge the gap until you can come to TS. Once you schedule your retreat, please reach out to us to arrange this phone call if that is something you desire.

What type of counseling do we provide?

We are a biblical counseling ministry that seeks to provide compassionate and Christ-centered counseling.

What is the payment process?

Once dates have been confirmed, we will send out an invoice that can be paid online via credit card or automatic bank draft. Full payment is due 30 days before the first day of the scheduled counseling dates. For more detailed information, please view our financial policy page.

What details do I need to know about my stay?


Days 1 & 2:

  • Before 9:00 am: Breakfast (in cabin; on your own)
  • 9:00 am–12:30 pm: Prayer and counseling
  • 12:30–2:00 pm: Lunch and break
  • 2:00–5:00 pm: Counseling
  • 5:00–7:00 pm: Dinner (on your own)

Day 3

  • 9:00 am–12:00 or 1:00 pm: Counseling
  • 12:00 or 1:00 pm: Depart

Evenings: Work on assignments with advocates


We provide the meals for your stay. Only the lunches will be prepared by our staff. There will be options for breakfast (eggs, bacon, oatmeal, etc.) & dinner (pasta, frozen meals, etc.).

Off-campus options are also available. Please bring your own favorite snacks and drinks. If you have special dietary restrictions, please connect with us prior to your arrival.


You will stay in a fully furnished home (we call them cabins).

What to Pack

Pack as if you are coming to a hotel. Feel free to wear whatever you would be most comfortable in for the counseling sessions.Be sure to bring your Bible and a notebook/journal.

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